A rainy day is the perfect excuse to stay indoor, but I'm not the type who bows down to water saturation. No. I'm crazy enough to fight away the wind and slanted raindrops just to run minuscule errands that could've waited till a sunnier day. I'm stubborn like that.

Though I did stay indoor the second half of the day...by getting some work and also baking some cookies. To be more specific, MATCHA COOKIES! I haven't made these for quite awhile and since I'm meeting a friend tomorrow and I don't want to go empty-handed, I decided to take a therapeutic break in the kitchen and whip up a batch. I actually got more dough than needed, so I froze the other half for later occasions.
Now feast your eyes on some green deliciousness. :)
It's been raining here too...but it's better than snow I guess! :) Your cookies look perfect!
@Faith - thanks! My friend enjoyed them. :)
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