It's so difficult to choose a 'favorite' fruit, especially the taste of this nature's candy really depends on the seasons. Spring brings you apricots and strawberries; summer presents us juicy watermelon and peaches to quench our thirst; fall's crisp breezes indulge us with grapes (wining al fresco perhaps?), figs, and pears; and finally, winter's citrus fruits, such as lemons, grapefruits, and oranges provide vitamin C to prevent colds and other wintry sicknesses. See? Mother nature knows us best.
But if I had to choose my top, TOP 3 favorite fruits, one of them would be pears. I'm so happy that pear is one of the most common fruits that is sold almost year round, thus I can satisfy my 'peary' needs just by visiting my local supermarket. There are many types of pears, but because I prefer fruits with a crunch, I play a favoritism towards peckham and bosc pears. I know anjou pears are moist and juicy as well as the red pears, but I like the 'biting' factor and the work I put on my mouth.
If you pay attention, everyone eats their fruit differently as one. Some may just wipe it down on the sleeve and bite away, whereas other would peel the skin with a knife and only see the flesh. I do both. I peel the skin, slice up the flesh and enjoy every single sections, and then consume the skin because that's where all the fiber resides.
Would you like to share your favorite fruits? :)
I do love pears also. They're not my favorite fruit per se, but they're probably my favorite fruit to use in salads.
@Amy. Thanks for commenting. What are your favorite fruits? :)
Amy, I'm with you. It's so good with blue cheese! Add pecans and you've got my favorite salad right there.
My favorite fruit is cherry, and I favor all berries but I pretty much enjoy all fruits.
Oooohh, favorite fruit? That is a tough one! I would say strawberries and raspberries!
I love berries and bananas, but I've recently fallen in love with apples (must be the fall season).
And I love Asian pears! They're my fave
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